Leadership and Business Consulting Services

C3 Leadership: Confidence, Competence, and Credibility in Leadership

C3 Leadership is an agile, boutique consulting practice

Under the direction of Bill Dickinson, C3 Leadership responds to the leadership needs of businesses
across the globe. Our differentiating strengths include: people leadership development, emotional intelligence, strategy & priority planning, and executive coaching. We coach for clarity and advance careers.

What we do

We develop leaders for impact. We coach others for success. We design content for learning. We facilitate conversations for a purpose.

Virtual, In-Person, and Hybrid Formats

Performance Coaching

Customized solutions for particular business needs, career advancement

Performance Coaching

Customized solutions for particular business needs, career advancement
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People Leader Development

Modeling authenticity, and communicating with transparency, is vital for trust

People Leader Development

Modeling authenticity, and communicating with transparency, is vital for trust
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Psychological Safety

Most teams are set up to fail due to unclear expectations and a lack of purpose

Psychological Safety

Most teams are set up to fail due to unclear expectations and a lack of purpose
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Managers account for up to 70% of variance in employee engagement (Gallup)
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One in two employees had left jobs to get away from their manager to improve their overall life
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Less than 1/3 of employees are engaged in their jobs in any given year
members group discussion
Who We Are

We are seasoned, executive practitioners

We are seasoned, executive practitioners who have spent years in our respective fields.  As much as we inspire, coach, and develop valued human capital, we have also hired, developed, and managed these very same colleagues.  And, in a variety of industries and at multiple levels of leadership.  This team has your back.

Purpose is What Drives Us

Solving for your leadership needs, advancing your objectives, and coaching for your professional clarity grounds our purpose as leaders and colleagues with you.

Curious about what people say about us & our services?
Our Mission

To enable your leadership competency to soar

At C3 Leadership we are committed to enabling your leadership competency to soar, and for your organizational mission to foster pride of culture, engagement, and the bottom-line. 

We look forward to understanding your needs.

Let's discuss now
Get in touch with us
We respond within 48 hours

We answer all email and requests as they come in. If you have an urgent matter or would like to place an order please click the link below to give us a call.